Earlier work: Mini graphic novels
Light-hearted play grew from... a desire for revenge? Yes, indeed!
After studying art in high school and painting, drawing, and illustration in college, my journey continued at the University of Oregon.
I immensely enjoyed the classes I took on illustrating graphic novels. These are two I created:
In this playful story, I process feelings about having an egg thrown at me from a moving car while biking home from campus at night.
I visit a friend in an underground lab (above it sits an unassuming house) and share my experience of having an egg thrown at me from a car driving down the street. I want revenge!
However, after sharing my story… I fall asleep?
And I wake up?
Back at the lab. I wake up…again?
Feeling groggy—what just happened?
Oh yes, there it all is. So confusing!
Who can resist a bit of fun and mystery?
After being pulled around in a box on a skateboard—the world looks bigger, brighter, and more expansive, the desire for revenge fades. The three friends enjoy the sun.
The resident mouse basks in the sun, taking a break from her home in the lab. The entrances to her rooms have tiny, orderly doors with welcome mats—and sometimes a bulletin board and window.
Terrible Truth: A story about grief
I enjoyed collaborating with Sheryl Hill-Tanquist (my mom) on this graphic novel. She wrote the story, and I illustrated it.
My process for creating the illustrations:
Draw a rough sketch.
Create a value study to explore where to put the strong darks and lights.
Complete the final version in ink.
Add text using Adobe Illustrator.
This is the final version:
Another example:
This is the final version:
The 10-page graphic novel is a sad one, and it ends without resolution.
What came next?
The next stop on my art journey at the University of Oregon was creating 2D and 3D animations. More to come soon—thanks for joining me!
Sending my love,