Earlier work: Drawings and paintings during college
Exploring light, shape, and color—and finding adventure.
After high school, I continued my art studies at Linn-Benton Community College and the University of Oregon.
Still life study
Focusing on the fundamentals: Much of my early studies were identifying subtle shifts in value (lightness or darkness) and color when looking at an object.
Surfaces: For example, how they change when crumpled:
Noticing small value shifts:
I am fascinated by expressing emotions through artwork:
Plein-air painting: I love getting out in nature to paint—focusing on the quality of light.
Light bouncing: Noticing the color of the table reflecting onto the boot.
Texture: Exploring how light and color behaved differently on different types of surfaces (cloth, ceramics, metal, and fruit).
Skin tones: Finding the subtle shifts in color and value.
Play of light. This cabinet is white. However, the lighting includes subtle colors. I enjoyed finding them and bringing them out.
It was a joy to make this study from a photo:
Summer adventures
During two summers, I worked as a wildland firefighter. I enjoyed being in nature, the challenge and excitement of the work, and traveling to new places in Oregon, California, and Colorado with my crew. In the Fall, I came back to school excited to learn.
What came next?
My art journey continued to unfold at the University of Oregon—I’ll share more soon.
I hope the new year brings you joy and light.
Sending my love,